Wednesday, February 23, 2011


A NEW OPENING AT NOVO on Thursday February 24th will feature beautiful images from local photographer DEBRA RESCHOFF-AHEARN... like the image here taken at Barley Cove in Ireland. I am so there! and you can visit her website for people, places and things from near and far.

OR stop by NOVO on 37th AVE between 78 & 79th Street
from 6-9pm THURSDAY for a drink and view more striking photographs and meet Debra too.

ALSO on the walls and at NOVO will be fun, quirky, vibrant paintings of filmmaker/artist DON CATO.

Don is also the Program Director for the QUEENS WORLD FILM FESTIVAL which is at
the Jackson Theatre and Renaissance Charter school next weekend March 3, 4, 5, 6

Over 104 shorts and features for everyone:

KIDS animation on Saturday morn- SENIOR shorts on Saturday and Sunday afternoon, Family Fare + Globally Queer + Wild Life + Gangsters and of course EDGY LOVE STORIES. All made independently by up and coming filmmakers from Queens and beyond... that you may see at the Academy Awards in just a few years!!

The website has the film block break down - tickets are available via PayPal and at the box office table day of program.

Best prices too: $6 ADULTS
$ 3 Kids & Seniors for each time block.

Meet the Filmmakers and Q&A's after some blocks
PLUS PANELS on Saturday, restaurant deals and more!

Youth INITIATIVE Panel -on Saturday March 5th at 11am - helping young filmmakers get started ...

FILM FINANCE PANEL on Saturday March 5th at 12 Noon - to help established filmmakers find some needed audiences and resources...

after the screening of KEIKO - The Untold Story of Free Willy - Naomi Rose of Washington DC, senior scientist of the Humane Society International, will host a discussion on global animal protection.

PANELS are on SATURDAY March 5th at
Renaissance Charter School
on 81st Street off of 37th Ave